Ph.D. in Computer Science
Khoury College of Computer Science - Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Sep. 2022 - PresentM.S. in Computer Science
Khoury College of Computer Science - Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Nov. 2023B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
School of ECE - University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2021
Work Experience
- Doctoral Research
Relational Agent Group (RAG), Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Sep. 2022 - Present- Researching human-agent interactions, healthcare interventions, and multimodal interaction with conversational agents.
- Advisor: Timothy Bickmore.
- Research Intern
Affective Computing Lab, USC Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), Los Angeles, CA
Jun. 2023 - Apr. 2023- Collaborated with Sony Entertainment R&D on designing persuasive conversational agents for gaming scenarios.
- Advisor: Gale Lucas.
- Undergraduate Research Assistant
Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Sep. 2019 - Jan. 2022- Multimodal sentiment analysis using SSL methods
- Advisors: H. Moradi, M. Dousti.
- Machine Learning Toolkits: PyTorch, HuggingFace, TensorBoard, scikit-learn, Keras, Prompt Engineering, CVXPY.
- Empirical Study Design: Research Design, Hypothesis Testing, Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis, Mixed Methods, Online Crowdsourcing.
- Multimodal Processing Toolkits: Platform of Situated Intelligence, OpenSense, Multimodal Transformers.
Service and Leadership
Program Committee:
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-23, ICMI-24),
International Conference on Virtual Agents (IVA-24),
International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII-24).Student Volunteer:
ACII-23, ACII-21.
Full CV available upon request